Aim: To plot the V-I characteristics of the solar cell
Apparatus Required: Solar cell Bread board Light source Ammeter (0-5mA) Voltmeter (0-5V) Connecting Wires
Theory: A solar cell is a semiconductor device which converts solar energy into electrical energy. It is also called Photovoltaic cell. Solar cell works as a PN junction diode. A built in depletion region is generated in that without an applied reverse bias voltage. Photos of adequate energy create electron-hole pairs and a potential is generated across the solar cell. The e.m.f. generated by the solar cell in the open circuit (when no current is drawn from it) is denoted by VOC. This is the maximum value of the e.m.f. When a high resistance is introduced in the external circuit a small current flows through it and the voltage decreases. The voltage goes on falling and the current goes on increasing as the resistance is reduced to zero the current rises to its maximum value known as saturation current and it is denoted as ISC here the voltage becomes zero. The product of open circuit voltage VOC an short circuit current ISC is known as ideal power.