
​​Aim:- To study the I-V Characteristics of Zener Diode.

Apparatus :- : Zener Diode, Battery, Connecting Wires, Resistances, Voltmeter, Ammeter, etc.

Theory:- Forward biasing:- An external voltage applied with the polarity such that negative terminal of battery is connected to n –side of junction and the positive terminal of battery is connected to p- side is called a forward bias.

Reverse biasing:- The negative terminal of battery is connected to p- side of junction the positive terminal is connected to n- side is called a reverse bias. Zener diode is used in its reverse bias.


Forward bias:-

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Result:-The V-I Characteristic Graphs/Curves of (both in reverse and forwardbiases) as well as Zener Diode are obtained and are verified with their proven results.

Breakdown Voltage = Max. Forward Current = 1A