Introduction to MATLAB Programming
Accessing MATLAB
MATLAB can be assessed through various modes.
Accessing MATLAB online.
1. MATLAB can be accessed online, free of charge through “mathworks” website.
2. Go to https://www.mathworks.com/accesslogin/createProfile.do and create an account following the instructions.
3. NOTE: Remember your Email and Password information for later use. For ‘How will you use MathWorks software?’, select “Academic use ”.

a. Go to https://matlab.mathworks.com/
b. Click on “open MATLAB online” and access the free version of MATLAB online.
2. Installing Licensed version of MATLAB.
a. Create a “mathworks” account.
b. Login to your MathWorks account here: https://www.mathworks.com/accesslogin/login.do

c. Associate mathworks license on : https://www.mathworks.com/licensecenter
d. Click on add license, when prompted add license and activation key.
e. Verify association in License Center. License Label should say ‘2XXX- BEST Robotics’. (2XXX = Current Year)

f. Download the Software. Go to http://www.mathworks.com/downloads/web_downloads/ 🡪 Click on the Download link 🡪 Click the blue button that says R2XXXx. 🡪 Click the blue button that says R2XXXx Installer. 🡪 Open the installer file (*.exe) to extract and launch the installer.
g. Install the software. When MathWorks Installer is launched, select Log in with a MathWorks Account and continue through the Installer 🡪 At the License Agreement, select Yes and continue🡪 When prompted to Log In, use your MathWorks Account info🡪 At License Selection dialog, choose ‘Select a license:’ and choose the one with the Label: 2XXX – BEST Robotics and continue.
h. At the Installation Complete prompt, ensure to check Activate MATLAB (default is checked) and continue🡪 At the Confirmation dialog, click Confirm. 🡪 Activation has been completed. Click Finish.

Reference Links
a. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/matlab/index.htm
b. https://in.mathworks.com/help/matlab/getting-started-with-matlab.html
c. https://www.mccormick.northwestern.edu/documents/students/undergraduate/introduction-to-matlab.pdf