An integrated circuit have many electronic components for example resistors, inductors, transistors etc. embedded on a single chip. We can classify these components into passive and active as shown in Table 1. In order to make an electronic circuit suitably work, requires not only proper selection of the active elements but also the passive and matching elements too.
Table 1: Classification of Electronic Components
Basic Electronic Components
Passive Components -These components are called passive because they are not capable of bringing any energy to the circuit which essentially means they cannot process or amplify an electrical signal. But, these components are as important as active components because without them an active component like transistor cannot amplify signals.
Passive components : 1. Resistors 2. Capacitors 3. Inductors
Active Components- Active components need an external source of energy which is generally in the form of direct current and are capable of delivering electrical power to the circuit. In simple terminology, these components require an external source of energy to operate. Also, the proper function of an active device is decided by the proper values of the passive elements. Active components are broadly categorised into tube devices and semiconductor devices. Tube devices are Vacuum tubes and Gas tubes. Semiconductor devices include Junction diode, Bipolar transistor (BJT), Field-effect Transistor (FET), Unijunction transistor (UJT), Silicon controlled rectifier (SCR), Tunnel diode and Zener diode.